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Jesuits ofNew Orleans ProvinceChurch Altar

Taken from their website at ""

"We Jesuits seek to be of service to our sisters and brothers and to do all things for the greater glory of God. Ours is a service of faith, and of the radical implications of faith expressed in justice, in a world which all too often settles for something less than faith and something less than justice. We recognize, along with many of our contemporaries, that without faith, without the eye of love, the human world seems too evil to allow for the existence of a God who is good. But faith recognizes that God is acting, through Christ's love and the power of the Holy Spirit, to destroy the structures of sin which afflict the bodies and souls of his children.

Our Jesuit mission touches something fundamental in the human heart: the desire to find God in a world scarred by sin, and then to live by his Gospel in all its implications. The mission of Jesuits is directed to the ways in which Christ makes his presence felt in the diversity of human cultures, in order that we may present the Gospel as Christ's explicitly liberating presence. Ours must be a dialogue, born of respect for people, especially the poor, in which we appreciate and share the values of their culture and offer our own treasures, in order to build up a communion of peoples instructed by God's Word and enlivened by the Holy Spirit.

I was born in New Orleans in 1965.  The beauty of the area, the faith of their community, and the driving need to tend to the poor, were the founding blocks I noticed at the time.  When I enrolled in Regis University I was encouraged to hear the term Jesuit in their motto "Learners becoming leaders in the Jesuit Catholic Tradition".  My grandmother was a devout catholic, who inspired me as a young boy.  She took me to such ornate locations as The Immaculate Conception Parish church.

For years she taught me many key tenets.
  • Respect others, help the poor, and insist on justice for everyone, especially my enemies.  I would never know the pain they have endured.
  • Respect and participate in the traditions of those around me.  They are older and wiser than I.
  • Serve God by modeling my life in a manner that others will wish upon themselves.  Without that I have learned nothing.
  • Respect God and all his creations, in all its forms, even those I don't agree with.  I will be forever too young to understand Gods will.

She taught me much more in life than I ever gave her credit for.  To me she was the wisest person I have ever met.  I live my life to this day with a healthy respect to all things she taught me.  As a quick perusal will reveal, there are no Jesuit churches near here, but it will forever be within my heart.

My lovely wife Wanda has added a new chapter to my life and my faith.  One of her favorite sayings is the namesake of this website.  It is:

Live simply, Love generously.
Care deeply.  Speak kindly.
And Leave The Rest To God.  ...Ronald Reagan

Copyright Ed Williams© 2015